One of the biggest indicators of success in your career, no matter the stage, comes down to one simple thing - are easy to work with?
But how do you define easy to work with?
Here are the top 5 characteristics that I have seen:
You do what you said you were going to do: No one likes to have to follow up to make sure the other person is doing what they need to do - it is extra work and stress. Great teammates just get things done - you never have to worry about it.
You are having fun - Positivity and happiness is contagious. People want to work and be around people who bring them up not bring them down. Don’t underestimate how much people value this.
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You are proactive: There is nothing better or easier than working with someone on a project who is one step ahead of you or can anticipate where things might go and is proactive about it. This could be in flagging potential roadblocks or in just moving work forward. Everyone loves working with proactive people.
You Respect People’s time: Everyone is busy and everyone hates unnecessary meetings. Only meet when it is actually needed and when you do - run the meeting efficiently. Have an agenda, send out a pre-read, start on time, leave with next steps. Running efficient meetings is an art.
You are low ego: Be open to feedback on how to do things, be okay letting others get the spotlight, and have honest intentions. These are all things people with big ego’s struggle with and all things that make people not want to work with you. Don't confuse Ego with confidence.
And probably the biggest key - being self aware enough to know where you are missing the mark and how in any of the above points.
Thanks for reading!
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